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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Finally Somebody Has Answers


Sure hope you are doing okay with your Hemochromatosis. [HH]
I got my phlebotomy this morning. It went well.

While I was there I asked a couple nurses what they knew about HH.
Thier answers were both the same...hardly nothing.

Well I just learned a ton of stuff from a great book I read.
I now have so many questions to ask my doctor. I will try and get her to get her own copy of the book. Maybe I should print it out and just give her a copy. At least then she will have a much better understanding of the disease. Sometimes I think she is trying to kill me. But I'm pretty sure she is just ignorant when it comes to HH.

Anyhoo...I was lucky enough for the author to sell me resell rights to the book. So now you have a chance to learn more about HH than
anyone else in the whole world could teach you.

Ironic Health is a book authored by Dr Chris Whittington regarding her experiences studing hemochromatosis cases with Professor Lawrie Powell, probably the foremost authority on Hereditary Hemochromatosis in the world. It was he who convinced the world that Hereditary Hemochromatosis was a genetic disease in 1989 and provided the impetus for the work that was to lead to the cloning of the HFE gene in 1996.

Let a Doctor explain this misunderstood Genetic Disease.

Besides being the HH Bible, it is also a very interesting read.
I will also give you some bonus articles that are packed with technical stuff that you may be interested in.

Dr. Chris Whittington is a recognized authority on hemochromatosis and has practiced medicine in Australia, New Zealand and Canada and has lived in Canada since 1985.

She Currently practices in Abbotsford, British Columbia.
is a Clinical Associate Professor of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia.

is a Past President of the British Columbia College of Family Physicians.

has published and presented a number of papers on hemochromatosis
is currently engaged in ongoing research into hereditary hemochromatosis.

Dr Whittington's mother has hemochromatosis so she has a personal interest in seeing that patients are helped.

What Dr Whittington's Peers have Said:

"Chris Whittington's comprehensive review of hemochromatosis in the real world - Ironic Health - is a 'must read' for both patients and their doctors. Make it a point to read this one from cover to cover".

This really is the best stuff I've read on HH.

I really, really, hope that you will go here:

Ironic Health

and buy this absolutely awesome book.

If you don't think this book delivers, just let me know...
I will refund every cent. And you can keep the book.

So I hope you will do yourself a giant favor and pickup a copy.
Delivered over the internet so you can be reading it in about 30 seconds.


W. Pat Peters

Keep on keepin on.